1 minute read

Zend Framework 2 will be released soon, the beta versions are in the round of the corner. The new version provides a programmer-friendly module development architechture and there are some modules available at present. ZF2 module system is very young; and as such, there are not many modules yet.

  • Doctrine Well discussed issue on the forums is the Doctrine issue. As the Doctrine2 will not packaged with ZF2, this module provides a bridge between the framework and Doctrine. By the way, its more than a bridge. Now supports MongoDB and an easy-to-use ORM is available for them. It is a great leap forward, it isn't?
  • Bacon Provides a unidecoder/slugifier, as well as a PHP port of 'highlight'.
  • EdpSuperluminal Provides a cache for your classes and a package mechanism to a single include file which will boost your application.
  • ZfcUser The really drop-in module which provides a quick and secure user management solution for your application. It is designed by Evan Coury, the lead developer behind the ZF2 module system. It has a very elegant MongoDB integration as well.
  • Assetic Module Provides a great asset management framework with integration with the well-known Assetic.
  • And at the end, here is some great slides about the ZF2 module architechture from Evan Coury: http://evan.pro/zf2-modules-talk.html

