Sublime Text 2: the perfect setup
I have been a long time NetBeans user and in the last year, I used Aptana as an Eclipse plugin a lot as well. I never thought these Java IDE’s are fast and painless, but there was no better alternative for them.
But a couple of months ago, I found Sublime Text. And after a period of time, I found myself using it more often rather than my usual IDE. The reason is the simplicity and speed. I haven’t used a stopper watch to figure out if my productivity increased, but my feeling is that has been happened so.
The basic features I fallen love with in:
- Ctrl+P: I can open files by entering the part of the filename to an amazing textbox
- Ctrl+R: Like my favourite IDE's class inspector, I can jump to any function in a class. Using the same text box as above
- Multiple cursors By using Ctrl when clicking to anywhere in the code causing cursor duplication allows me to enter the same text to multiple locations quickly
- Multi selection: following the same logic used for multiple cursors, with Ctrl key, I can select multiple pieces of code. How did I survive without this before?
- Ctrl+G: I can use it to quickly jump to a code line
- Split editing is a very useful feature these days with wide screen monitors
And here is my list of plugins I found useful:
- PackageControl: to install/manage and update packages, the essential Sublime Text plugin
- PhpDox: Dox Comment generator. You can automatically add the function and class documentation by pressing a shortcut. Will fix the Code Sniffer warnings as well.
- PHP Code Sniffer: PHP Coding Standards Fixer, Linter and Mess Detector Plugin
- Emmet: Official Emmet plugin (previously called Zen Coding) for Sublime Text. Can speed up html editing a lot
- GitGutter: show an icon in the gutter area indicating whether a line has been inserted, modified or deleted since the last commit.